Community Suggestion Box

Community Suggestion Box

Wanna see something published on DesignerCandies? Well now is your opportunity!

Use the comment box below to submit your suggestions, vote other people's suggestions up and discuss ideas with other community members. However, PLEASE follow the rules!

Suggestion Box Rules


  • Discuss other people's suggestions – especially if you can add to the idea
  • Do comment. Don't be shy!
  • Be nice. Even if someone is not nice to you. 🙂
  • Add pictures to your comments to better illustrate your suggestions


  • Please DO NOT vote down “ideas”. Only vote down negative comments.
  • Please don't post duplicate ideas. If someone has already suggested what you want, add to their suggestion and vote it up!
  • Please don't suggest a billion things at once. Suggest what you think is MOST important. We only have so many hands to work with.

Suggestions can be about anything, like what sort of freebies we offer, site speed, layout, site features – anything you think is a worthwhile suggestion to the DesignerCandies mission! I look forward to seeing what you guys and gals come up with: