Hi-Res Folded Paper Textures

What sort of designer doesn't like a good set of quality textures?

It has been almost 3 months since a resource pack was last posted on DCandies, so we'd better get the ball rolling again!

This pack of designer-candy contains 10 high-resolution creased-paper textures. They come with a subtle halftone dot effect and are perfect for adding interesting paper-fold details to your work.

I created this set of textures a few months ago for my own personal use. I needed some high-resolution fold textures to overlay on a series of vintage flyer designs.

The designs I was working on needed a subtle halftone print effect adding to them. I tried various techniques, such as using the super useful halftone dot patterns across the page, but eventually settled on a more subtle usage – limiting the dots to the paper fold creases.

Other Resources You'll Enjoy:

I scanned in a bunch of folded paper and processed the images in Photoshop. Using a variety of masks, I isolated the creased areas of the paper and added the halftone effect. In my opinion, the end result turned out great, and far more interesting than your standard set of creased paper textures.

This overlayed halftone pattern looks even sweeter when you invert the colours of the texture.

Let me know what you think in the comments! Also, if you like the resources, please share them with your friends and co-workers 🙂

File information:

This pack contains 10 folded paper textures. Each texture is a massive 2480px by 3508px (A4) at 300dpi. Of course, this pack is Uncopyright.

High Resolution Folded Paper Textures:

Folded Paper Textures

This pack of paper fold textures includes 10 unique high resolution items, each featuring different fold styles / layouts.

Folded Paper Textures for Photoshop

Here's an example of the textures in action. Simply overlaying text or images on the textures creates a great effect.

Picture of Adam


Hi I'm Adam, the DesignerCandies founder. Here are a few phrases that describe me best: Graphic designer. Photoshop aficionado. Full-time Blogger. Beer lover. Coffee enthusiast. Blighty hailer.


  1. You sir, you are a sharing master!
    I was so bored about designing some months ago but then I discovered DesignerCandies and it lighted my curiosity high again!

    • Great to here you’re reignited your interest in graphic design! I hope these tools can help you learn and produce impressive work 🙂

    • @disqus_hwpaywVCXL:disqus , sorry I don’t have the PSD in front of me. You’ll just have to cycle through the blend modes. Sorry dude!

  2. Hey, I think these are absolutely great! Could you please explain how you got that blended effect in the pictures above? I can’t seem to find a way to do so 🙁

    • Hey @disqus_KE412FVMA4:disqus , I can’t quite remember but it was simply a blend mode. Cycle through them in Photoshop and you’ll surely find the one 🙂

      • This is what i was wondering as well. I tried all of them all, but you can’t reproduce the reflections and light play that make it look like a real printed piece with a simple blend mode. You can see those folded reflections on the ‘DC’ letters above, almost as if you printed the letters on matte newsprint stock, folded the paper and photographed it. Hmm. If you didn’t photograph it, I wonder how you got the effect? Nice work, btw.

        • GOT IT!
          1. Open one of the textures in Photoshop.
          2. Type some text in black.
          3. Set text to COLOR BURN.
          4. Duplicate text layer.
          5. Set duplicate text layer to 80% opacity.

          Done! Hehehe!

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